Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Support Longwood Rotary

The Longwood Rotary would like to offer our thanks to all the parents and teachers who donated school supplies to our collection drive in the summer of 2016.  In total we gathered enough supplies for approximately 50 children! While you are out shopping this summer for your own children we ask everyone to consider buying some of the “loss leader” school supplies such as spiral notebooks, glue, folders, paper, composition books, etc. that are available at all various office supply stores. We work with Kennett Area Community Service (KACS) to make sure these supplies are going to properly qualified children in our community. We have large blue collection bins placed in the lobbies of all the schools. If you have any questions about this project or would like to learn more about the Longwood Rotary group please contact Jordan Gushurst (jordan@gushurst.com). Thank you for your support!