Friday, January 16, 2015

Adopt-a-Bed 2015

Here is an exciting opportunity for the UCFSD students and their families to have fresh produce in their own kitchens while helping others in the community!! The Family and Consumer Science program at CFPMS now boasts 30 raised beds! 22 are in front of the school with the addition 8 large ones in the newly constructed high tunnels off the middle school access road. All of this, including the greenhouse and pergola are a result of donations and grant monies and have happened with no cost to the taxpayer.  The beds have been planted and the cultivation and harvesting will start in the coming months. So how can you help?  With such a large effort we are in need of at least three families a week to water, weed, harvest, and deliver the produce to the Kennett Food Cupboard. With your help we can keep our program growing through the summer months. It will help those in need, as well as helping us to move our program forward without losing critical time when the start of the new school year comes. Not only are you helping others but by helping our program you are entitled to take what you can use for your home kitchen.  It is a win-win proposition for all. Work with your families while helping those who are less fortunate!! For more information please contact Betsy Ballard or Kimberly Hisler at or