Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Box Tops Update

Only six weeks left until winter break and the deadline to submit any Box Tops with the December 31, 2014 expiration date! Here are the Box Tops collection leaders in each grade.In 8th grade, Mr. Kelley's advisory is the only one in triple digits, with 328 Box Tops. Fewer than 200 Box Tops separate the top three advisories in 7th grade. And that's not a lot of Box Tops! Mrs. Zielinski has 300, Mrs. French 323, and Mr. O'Rourke is in the top spot with 490. Four different 6th grade advisories have traded the top spot since the last collection. Mr. Grawe's class is in 4th place with 244, Mrs. Ilgenfritz in 3rd with 273, Mrs. Armstrong in 2nd with 317 and Mrs. Stem leading the way with 368!