Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Patton Turns Over a New Leaf!

Since the opening of the "Unionville Middle School" in 1973 it has been a tradition for the ladies at Patton to maintain and plant the garden that welcomes visitors to our school. Our Ladies have always taken pride in this special piece of soil wedged between the parking lot and the driveway closest to the school. With the retirement of Mrs. Waibel and Mrs. Cleveland a new generation of ladies will take on the responsibility taking care of the garden that welcomes visitors to the "Home of the Hawks". August 5th a several ladies answered the call to volunteer a few hours to work in the garden. We had a wonderful time weeding, planting and chatting. the end results are awesome! Mrs. Waibel and Mrs. Cleveland can now rest assured that the garden they have tended during their career will continue to thrive for years to come. Special thanks to Mrs. Anita Quinn, Mrs. Ilgenfritz, Mrs. Ferron, Mrs. Spisak and her kids Sam and Molly. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to Mrs. Waibel and Mrs. Cleveland for all you do! Patton Middle School will truly miss you!