Sunday, April 27, 2014

Olweus Survey

Dear Parent and Guardians: 

In our continuing efforts to promote and maintain an environment and climate conducive to student success, Patton Middle School will be surveying all our students regarding the topic of Bullying. The survey instrument is the same tool used when we initiated our anti-bullying efforts six years ago. We have also used the instrument at the conclusion of the 11-12 and 12-13 school years. The survey is provided by the Hazelden Company who provided our Olweus materials. In 2008 we initiated our Olweus (pronounced Olvaus) anti-bullying program with staff training and implementation with our students. We would like to survey our students again to gather information on the state of student culture as it presently exists concerning this issue. 

The voluntary and anonymous, on-line approximate forty minute survey will be accomplished during the A – F cycle beginning 12 May 2014. Students will be proctored by their Health teacher in a computer lab. Survey results will help guide decision-making regarding future student culture goals. If you do not wish your child to accomplish this survey, please contact Jim Fulginiti, Assistant Principal, 610-347-2000 x3810. Thank you for your support and cooperation in this important matter.