Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Art After School

"Art After School" November Registration is open! November's projects will have the theme of "Thanksgiving, Colonial American Redware Pottery". Students will make a pie plate and a gravy boat. All pottery made at Patton is dinnerware safe as well as oven proof and dishwasher safe, so you can use it this Thanksgiving! November's session will only be three weeks long due to Thanksgiving break. Plan to meet right after school on the following afternoons:11/6, 11/7, 11/12, 11/14, 11/19 and 11/21. Pick up for parents is at the front lobby door, promptly at 4:00. Cost for the three week session is $75, complete the registration information found here and return to Mrs. Ferron in room 104 by Friday, 11/1.